Spielberg Tribute 24 September, 20142D Artchildhood, indiana jones, infancia, jurassic park, parque jurásico, Spielberg, Steven Spielberg
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Z 22 September, 20142D ArtKPP, Kyary, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Ponponpon, zombie, きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ
Marty MakeUp website 10 August, 2014Graphic Designalbacete, efectos especiales, make up, makeup, maquillaje, monster, página web, sfx, webpage, website You can check the website I designed for this awesome make-up artist here: www.martymakeup.com
TMNT Foes 4 April, 20142D Artbaxter, bebop, rocksteady, shredder, teenage mutant ninja turtles, tmtn, tortugas ninja Dedicated to Alejandro Selva
Homesick remake 21 March, 20142D Artanimate, anime, cocoichi, doraemon, goku, japan, jr, luffy, manga, matsudo, nostalgia, shibuya, Tokyo
Playing videogames 10 March, 20142D Artasian, cardboard, cartulina, gameboy, girl, hora de aventuras, japanese, jungle, papercraft, quilling, tiger, videogames
He-Man T-Shirt 1 February, 20142D Art, Graphic DesignHe-man, masters of the universe, MOTU, orco, skelletor, t-shirt, tee
Something in the dark 12 December, 20132D Artadventure, cave, faun, Fauno, faunus, light, monster, shining flower Drawn by Alicia Sweet, I put the colour